If you have completed an application for an in-year school place via the local authority you will be able to check the waiting list position for each school by entering the application reference number that is provided with your acknowledgement letter and your child’s date of birth. We are only able to provide waiting list positions for community primary schools and schools whose admissions are managed by the local authority where the schools have ranked their applications in order. Read the guidance notes HERE to see which school’s admissions are managed by the local authority.

Information provided here should be used as a guide only. Waiting list positions are updated daily between Monday and Friday and the position shown on this report may be different to your child’s actual waiting list position at the time it is checked. This is because a child’s priority for a school place can change when new applications are added or when offers for a school are made.

The actual position may be higher or lower depending on offers made or applications received since the most recent update.

If you would like to check your child’s waiting list position for schools who manage their own admissions you will need to contact the school directly.

If you submitted an application more than 10 days ago but cannot see your child’s waiting list position, please contact school.admissions@brent.gov.uk so that we can check your application has been received.
